It's Just a Place to Sleep. Is it?

It's Just a Place to Sleep. Is it?

“It doesn’t matter what my room looks like, it’s just a place to sleep.”  As a travel agent, I hear this all the time from clients—especially when it comes to cruise vacations and Walt Disney World vacations.  I get it, kind of.  Our clients are trying to cut costs in the only place possible—room type.  But just a place to sleep?  That’s where I disagree. 

Your room is your home base, place to re-center and recharge from your day at the theme parks or from your day at the beach or up on deck.  If you have a hotel room or stateroom, big or small, deluxe or value priced—I think it’s more than just a place to sleep.  I personally think that it’s hard to relax and recharge if your room ends up becoming a chaotic mess due to lack of space or organization. 

If you chose a hotel that’s really cramped for your family or a small stateroom type, what can you do to keep things peaceful and organized in your room while on vacation?  How can you keep your room a place to actually relax and recharge?  I’ve found over the years of traveling with my family that a few organizational items that I pack with me means the difference between a peaceful, clean room and a room that turns into chaos.  I have found 3 critical items for hotel/stateroom organization that will keep your room organized and for me means the difference between chaos and calm.  Packing these things means makes the hotel room more than just a place to sleep—a place to relax.

1.       Laundry hampers.  A laundry hamper will keep your dirty clothes in a confined place.  Look for a  laundry hamper that folds flat and doesn’t take up any room in your suit case.  When you check-in to your hotel, unfold and put it in the closet!  This is the type I have and bring with us everywhere we go. 

2.      Tooth brush holders.  Buy a cheap dollar store tooth brush holder that can keep your sink space organized.  Many value hotels have a single sink space.  If you’re in a small room that holds 4 or 5 people, that sink can become complete chaos. 

3.      Hanging Shoe Rack.  I use a hanging shoe rack to hold shoes (duh) but I also use it to hold other items like lotions, sunscreen, and make up when I’m in a small hotel room or stateroom. Just a word of caution, you cannot use over the door shoe racks on most cruise ships.  Look for ones that attach to a coat hanger or you can attach it to a coat hanger yourself with zip ties. 

For me, preplanning a little room organization really leads to a more enjoyable vacation.  You work hard for these vacations—enjoy the relaxation side too!

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I’m happy to help you plan and get organized for you trip!

Cara Hatcher Blair

Travel Planner

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