Guide to Surviving a One-Day Business Trip!

Guide to Surviving a One-Day Business Trip!

Usually we talk about fun travel on our blog but the reality is that for many of us the majority of our “travel” is actually for business. Yuck!  I can remember a time a few years ago, thinking to myself, that I literally couldn’t remember the last time I was at an airport, excited about my destination. Working full time in the pharmaceutical marketing industry, all my airline travel was dedicated to trips to my home office or a client’s office. How disappointing!   


Here I am again, waiting on a flight to take me to a business meeting. Luckily, this meeting is only for the day and I will be home to sleep in my own bed tonight. It got me thinking, though, is there anything I can do or share to make these one-day trips more tolerable?  What kind of question is that? Of course I can make a ridiculous game-plan! It’s my super power.

TSA pre-check:  Airport security is no joke on a Monday morning, especially in Atlanta. Paying the 5-year fee to waive serenely at the sad masses as they look on jealously look at my shoes ON MY FEET and the laptop in its cute cozy bag is worth every penny. Let’s phrase it a different way. You can pay to not touch the gross airport floor with your feet for 5 years. (Being honest though, TSA precheck line was still long on a Monday morning but everyone got to wear all the clothes they came to the airport in. #winning #whereareyoursockspeople

Shoes:  Wear comfortable shoes that can double as dress shoes. I am in LOVE with my Rothy’s. These are as comfortable as tennis shoes and washable!  They are so cute and dress up and down easily. Not only do they feel great, they also are made from recycled bottles so you can wear them knowing you are helping the environment. Get that knowing wink and smile next time you see Al Gore in the airport. Yeah, I’m doing my part, STYLISHLY. (Click my link for a $20 off coupon—and give me a bonus $20 while you’re at it:  ) Also, you can keep wearing them with TSA precheck!


Breakfast:  Arrive early enough in the morning so that you can have a relaxing breakfast. Get your day started off right because you don’t know when the next meal may come (No Bob, I don’t want to see sunlight. Let’s order Subway and keep this meeting ROLLING!). I was able to enjoy a big breakfast this morning at a sit-down restaurant. I was served coffee and eggs while I worked on my computer. Not a terrible way to start the morning. The guy next to me had a slightly different approach, knocking back his second beer by 6:30 AM. Cheers! #youdoyou


Earn travel rewards:  If you aren’t earning points, you’re missing the point (lol @ myself). Sign up for frequent flyer programs. Don’t leave personal travel $$$ on the table. My trip today will earn enough frequent flyer points for almost half of a bargain reward ticket. I was able to fly all 6 of us to Chicago last year for free using points earned on Delta. Make the most of your business travel to maximize your leisure travel.


Chargers:  I don’t think this needs an explanation. Don’t forget them! Portable chargers are great. Avoid a herd of sad non-TSA-precheck travel amateurs clustered around the one outlet. Kick back in your stylish Rothy’s you didn’t have to take off, secure in the knowledge that you can keep listening to your true-crime podcasts all flight long.

Do you travel often for business?  Did you know Blue Pineapple Travel plans corporate travel in addition to leisure travel?  Let us help plan your next business trip!

Cara Blair
Travel Planner

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